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Thomas Reade Primary School

Ofsted & School Performance

The following link (in blue) contains the information that OFSTED use to monitor schools. It is called the Education Inspection Framework and it sets out their principles and the main judgements that inspectors make: new framework

Thomas Reade Ofsted 2024 Report

2024 Ofsted report

 School letter for parents

National Assessment Results 2024

Early Years GLD

Thomas Reade 2023 Thomas Reade 2024 National 2024
77% 72% 68%



Thomas Reade 2023 Thomas Reade 2024 National 2024
97% 82% 80%


Key Stage 1


Age Related Expectation Thomas Reade 2024 National 2024
Reading 89% 71%
Writing 57% 62%
Maths 75% 71%
Greater Depth Thomas Reade 2024 National 2024
Reading 64% 19%
Writing 11% 8%
Maths 50% 15%


Key Stage 2


Age Related Expectation Thomas Reade 2024 National 2024
Reading 93% 74%
Writing 89% 72%
Maths 86% 73%
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 89% 72%
Combined 82% 61%


Greater Depth Thomas Reade 2024 National 2024
Reading 57% 28%
Writing 18% 12%
Maths 32% 7%
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 43% 31%
Combined 11% 7%


Link below to the DFE School Performance Tables: to be updated by DFE



Link below to the DFE School's financial benchmarking service:
