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Thomas Reade Primary School

Year 5

Mrs. Rickard

Expectations Of Our Class

In Year 5, we are expected to have an excellent attitude towards our learning. We need to be sensible in class and always listen to and follow instructions. We must always put in 100% effort and “Go for Gold” in every lesson. We must respect the adults we work with and other members of our class. We know that we listen when others are talking and speak kindly to both children and adults. We obey the class rules, school rules and the “Power of Five”. Finally, we are taught to persevere with all our work and to never give up.

We have fun in Year 5 and earn table points and merits which earn us certificates in assembly and go towards a reward at the end of each term, such as a Christmas Breakfast, an Easter Slumber Party and a Summer Water Fight!

PE days - Wednesday and Friday

Highlights Of The Year

We have many highlights in Year 5. We go on a trip to Oxford Museum in the Autumn term to help us when we are studying the Victorians. It is a fun day as we also get to dress up as Victorian children. We also go swimming in the autumn term and this is where we learn and develop key swimming skills at the Leisure Centre! In the Spring term, we practise for our production which we normally do with Year 4, this year we are going to do our performance in May. It’s really fun because we get to sing, dance and act! Also in the Spring Term, we design and create our own Mayan masks as part of our History topic about the Maya Civilisation. 

Year 5 homework

 Year 5 key documents and resources

Year 5 key topics

 Hill End Information

hill end tr 2024 presetation.pdf