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Thomas Reade Primary School

Our Governors

And their role at Thomas Reade

Governors (ID 1140)

  • Liz Fraser
    Chair of Governors
  • Claire Handyside
    Vice Chair of Governors
  • Andrew Dubock
    Vice Chair of Governors
  • Andy Blagrove
  • Ana Carr
  • Lynsey Day
  • Michael Hills
  • Sue Moulster
    Deputy Headteacher and Staff Governor
  • Alan Muzanenhamo
  • Adam Naylor
  • Jim Smith


As a Governing Body it is our job to make sure the school runs as well as it possibly can. The School Governors play an active role in school life, working in partnership with the Headteacher and staff to ensure the school offers the best education for our pupils.

We have responsibility for raising school standards through three core strategic functions of:

  • - Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • - Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • - Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

To do that we meet several times a year, each governor is linked to an aspect of the school and we all make Governor visits to the school based on our school link.

We adhere to a code of conduct which can be found below.



Any correspondence to the Governors should be sent to the chair: Liz Fraser at chair@thomas-reade.oxon.sch.uk