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Thomas Reade Primary School

Latest News - (Deputy) Headlines  from Mrs Moulster!

We have had three classes enjoying visits this week, with year 1 and reception class going to the story museum in Oxford on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday year 3 went to the Roald Dahl museum in Reading, this fits in with their literacy work this term which has been based around the stories written by Roald Dahl. Back in school year 6 have been rehearsing for their end of year show ‘Shakespeare Rocks’ which is taking place on 15th and 16th July. We have also been completing the field events (throwing and jumping) for Sports Day. As you are aware Sports Day is scheduled for Monday 8th July. At the time of writing the weather is looking dry for the morning, with rain potentially in the afternoon. If this remains the case we will go ahead on Monday. I will check the forecast again on Sunday evening if it has changed, and rain is forecast all day I will send an email via Arbor to advise you of any changes to our plans. We really don’t want to postpone unless we absolutely have to.

Children are looking forward to the disco this evening, a big thankyou to the School Association (SA) members who have been working behind the scenes to get this and all previous discos organised. Thank you as well to all the teaching and support staff who have given up time on a Friday afterschool and into the evening to ensure the discos run smoothly.

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